Donations Page
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Donations towards keeping this website online

 | | Hello all of you wonderful Hinge & Bracket fans, I have paid £100.64 for another year of hosting this website now that all of the donations from the last 9 years have been used up. If you would like to help towards keeping this website online for many more years please consider donating via PayPal by sending any amount as a friend payment to Any amount will help greatly. If i had orders coming in i could have offset it, but hardly any orders have come in over the last couple of years. If everyone that visited this site donated £1 it could keep the site online for many more years. I aim to keep Hinge & Bracket Official online, but can only do so with sales of the CDs & DVDs or donations from fans.
I give my time free to keeping the website up to date as much as possible, but alas hosting it costs money each year.
I would like to thank everyone over the last 20 years for helping to keep this site online and i thank you in advance if you wanted to donate to keep it online longer.
I hope not to have to resort to an advert program to help raise money as they are annoying and never relevant to people. Thank you Paul
Donations so far from: (* sent as a friend payment or bank transfer)
Mark Brown* | Maxine Heath* | Dragon* Ongoing Monthly. | | | Jennifer Taylor* | Brendan Sheehy* | Ian Carter-Chapman* | | | Mary & Barry St Pier* | Margaret Andrews* | Bryan Cairns* | | | PREVIOUS DONATIONS FROM
Ruth Smith (10th February 2015)
Sue Lavender (25th March 2017)
Dr David Evans (July 2019) & (July 2020) & (July 2021)
Maxine Heath (12th February 2020)
Derren Litten (11th May 2020)
Thank you in advance
Plaque for George Logan on Bench at Taunton Deane Crematorium & Bench Refurbishment.
Donations Also From
*Maxine Heath (Cheque) {£33.33} *Nathalie Isabel France (PayPal Friend Payment) {£6.67} The New Plaque for George Logan has been paid for and has been fitted on the Bench next to Patrick's which has been taken away for a refresh and new wooden base. Total paid for those was £424.00
I am purchasing a sander and Varnish & Brushes and will revamp the Bench myself as the Crematorium want £250 to just slap a bit of brown paint on, whereas i will sand it down to the original natural light colour and will treat it with clear varnish, so please do help by donating on the button above. Thank you. | Burial of George Logan's Ashes & Headstone.

 *£740 was raised on the old collection.
This has been cancelled and money is safe in my spare savings account and the new collection Pool which takes no fees from money received can now be used by clicking on the picture above.
Thank you to the people listed below for donating towards the £740 George Alexander Lyall, Alan Patient Shirley McLean, George Cherrie, Anonymous Donation Mo Coulson, Mark Edwards, Michael Augustine-Reed Ian Roxburgh-Harding, Jan Swanton, Ethel Wheatley Lesley Cookman, Diana Scorer, Steve Hynnek Ruth Smith, Alan J. Abrams, William Light Lorraine Taylor, John Frne, Robert Harvey, Jennifer Taylor Anthony Hyde
Donations Also From
*Maxine Heath (Cheque) {£33.34} *Edward Rackstraw (Paypal Friend Payment) {£12.50} *Nathalie Isabel France (PayPal Friend Payment) {£6.67} *Ian Bland (Bank transfer) {£20.00}
*MP3 SALES (100% of all MP3 sales) Sarah-Jane Richens {£26.00) Neil Ogley (£12.02) Phil Batts (£9.41) Robert Buttery (£3.00) Anthony Williams (£9.00) Cornish Gallery (£7.00) Jim Grundy (£19.00) Adil Sutaria (£49.10) Susan Dean (£3.65 + £5.63 + £5.63 + £5.63 + £3.65 + £11.56) Helen Watt £6.50 + £6.50
*SALES OF DVDs & CDs (50% of total after Fees & P&P) Edward Rackstraw £4.65 Christine Smith £38.50 Lorraine Taylor £11.83 + £9.73 + £12.82 + £8.65 Paula Willoughby £4.65 John O'Dwyer £4.65 A.I.C. Nimmo Marhsall £3.68 J C D Darwent £8.82 Richard Watts £14.06 Ian Bland £23.40 Christine Smith £43.40 Peter Bell £7.93 Sylvia Bucktrout £4.65 Paul Dolman £9.70 Bernie Fishpool £12.13 Freda Hibbert £3.76 Ian Beadle £22.92 Preston Grant £31.17 Ian Carter-Chapman £10.80 Malcolm Kelly £48.30 Maxine Heath £48.30 Karl Asbury £31.17 Ian Belsey £48.30 Barry & Brenda Noble £22.43 David Gloster £34.56 Wendy Buck £46.87 From Paul Dunford instead of sending Christmas Cards and paying Royal Mail an overpriced amount to deliver them sometime this decade...... £30.00 Kevin & Caroline Harry £22.43 Susan Dean £4.75 + £4.65 + £4.65 + £4.65 Barry St Pier £4.65 + £51.63 + £23.37 Paul Dolman £4.50 Andrew Taylor £14.87 Roger Butler £4.75 Simon Bell £14.87
TOTAL SO FAR £1,774.39
Includes amount in New Collection.
| * not shown in total of new Paypal pool shown above
 Donate to Patrick Fyffe's In Memory Page | |  Donate to George Logan's In Memory Page |